Monday, October 11, 2004

Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard
Originally uploaded by himbly.
...and all you Eddie Izzard fans will get ~this~ joke.

Fifth Seal

Fifth Seal
Originally uploaded by himbly.
Oh my god!

I've played far too much Diablo!


My boyfriend wrecked me.


comrade himbly

comrade himbly
Originally uploaded by himbly.
If it's possible, I do believe I'm in a projection slump. Ever since film fest I've been screwing up things that I'm usually SO careful about. And it's not that I ~don't~ care. I do. A lot. I'm just in a slump. I think. Today I missed my very first changeover cue. I swear in all the years I've been running those projectors, I've NEVER missed a changeover cue.

I blame the film fest. I got so tired and I, again, screwed up more times than is usual for me. I built up a 3 hour film and put one of the reels in backwards. NOT that it was entirely my was labeled wrong. But, jesus! That doesn't happen with me. I jinxed myself. I think. I'm so glad it wasn't me who ran that film. I'm not so glad that it was the owner of the theatre who did.

He's a whole other kettle of fish. Sunday is a brand new shift. Time to get in there and give 110%...


(if you knew how slack my job can get sometimes, ~that~ would be a really funny joke)

... into a beautiful swan

Originally uploaded by himbly.
So, I'm chopping broccolli...
(waiting for everyone to finish the all time SNL fave "Choppin' Broccolli")
but, really, I was and I kinda yelp and jump back...
(waiting for 'jump back...kiss myself' James Brown response)
but, really, I did because there's a caterpillar in the broccolli. Ren was there...she saw it. I jumped not because I'm afraid of bugs...(I'm only afraid in an Arthur Dent kinda way)...
that was a geeky reference
...but because I'm not used to seeing alive, moving things in places I'm not used to seeing alive, moving things. So, I take the caterpillar and some discarded broccolli and put them all into a jar. Ren was there...she saw it. A few days later, I had a cocoon. And -just the other day- I ran to the jar when I got home, eagerly looking for a change as I have done every day since the cocoon formed, and it had turned into a beautiful butterfly...okay...kinda dull moth. Chris was there....he saw it.

So I let it go.

Isn't that a nice story? Sweet dreams, children.
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