I've got one more question of my semantics takehome exam to write out 'in good' and then I'm finished for the year.
*long exhalation*
wait...have I mentioned how genius I think these guys are:
anyway...aside from my recent fascination with youtube.com
So, I spent today writing out my semantics takehome exam 'in good', like I said, and left for school early in order to meet my cousin, continue to write out my semantics and meet with my prof to discuss my group project and it's sucky-ness, and hopefully hand in this thing so I don't have to go back up there.
Yeah...that didn't work quite how I wanted it to.
I forgot my homework at work...and my prof had little sympathy about the group project. No, she had sympathy just not the kind that translates itself into better marks.
So, I took all this as a sign that I must be meant to drink cider and hang out at home with the bf.
I wanted to do everything tonight...I knit a little, played a little WoW, and even managed to make a double batch of applespice loaf and that is why I'm up at 12:14 typing in my blog...aside from the fact that blogging was another thing I wanted to do, I'm waiting for my appleloaf to finish baking.
I'm exhausted from my relaxing night.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
belated wishes
Firstly, if you're idea of success is in a picture attached to this post...eat a dick.
Yeah, I know. I know. He's rich. They're beautiful. Blah. Blah. Fucking blah. Look closer. See what's missing? Aside from clothes? Uh...souls.
Yes, indeedy do-dah..it's Hef's 80th. Apparently he celebrated in his usual creepy style with a lingerie party. Who does that who's not grody? Let's make that set of x, where x is an individual, x throws lingerie parties, and x is NOT grody a little smaller. Who does that when they're 80 and is not grody?
These blonde ladies pictured with Hef...these ladies are his girlfriends. Joe Rogan once said that he's got so many girlfriends because they require a support group in order to be with him (paraphrased). Considering that between the time when I heard JRogan say that until now, Hef has gotten older and Hef's gf brigade has tripled in size! I would say that JRogan was pretty accurate in his musings.
So, I checked out his b-day greeting website. You can find it here, filed under depraved lameness. If you are so inclined, I would ask you permit me a few words before you go zooming off to The Grotto.
Please please please check out the birthday greetings. They come in three flavours: celeb, centerfold, and girlfriend.
The celeb Hef-80-barfday-greeting was enlightening. It was eyeopening. It was wonderful. Because if I ever thought that these people were better than me somehow....I've proved myself wrong and I can continue holding my head high.
My friend once said, 'money does not buy class'. Now, she was talking about Calgary during times of the Stampede or the Red Mile, but I found it to be extremely profound and carry it as I do so many proverbs. Let me tell you, it applies here. You only need to see Paris Hilton and her birthday song/wish to understand what I'm talking about.
The centerfold Hef-b-day-wish vid was also something to behold. To sum it up:
Hef, you are amazinggg
Hef, I love you
Hef, you've done more for me than anyone
Hef, you gave me a personal masturbation tool
Oh? He did more for you than anyone? So...he sent you to school, did he? Encouraged you in artistic endevours? Helped you find your true self?
Or did he plaster your tits all over his shitty magazine and use you for eye/handcandy at his grotto parties?
And what is an 80 year old man giving a 20-something girl a 'personal masturbation tool' for? Name anywhere else that would be cool. Anywhere.
Okay..and so what if he does show pics of these girls boobies? What's the big deal? It's not like these women are ruined afterwards, that's true. It's not like they aren't doing it completely willingly and getting quite nicely compensated for any pains taken.
I just hate that he gets glory for this. Everyone in the g-damn world thinks this guy is the cat's pyjamas because he knows how to exploit the beauty of the women who let him. Yeah, so does Larry Flynt...but Larry Flynt doesn't try to come off as some sorta high class guy.
And Hef is not some sorta high class guy because money does not buy class.
I'm not even going to talk about the girlfriend's vid...good lord, it kinda speaks for itself.
Oliver Stone says in his b-day wish that Hef is a man that lives his dream and he (Stone) is in awe. Yeah, me too, Ollie...me too.
Yeah, I know. I know. He's rich. They're beautiful. Blah. Blah. Fucking blah. Look closer. See what's missing? Aside from clothes? Uh...souls.
Yes, indeedy do-dah..it's Hef's 80th. Apparently he celebrated in his usual creepy style with a lingerie party. Who does that who's not grody? Let's make that set of x, where x is an individual, x throws lingerie parties, and x is NOT grody a little smaller. Who does that when they're 80 and is not grody?
These blonde ladies pictured with Hef...these ladies are his girlfriends. Joe Rogan once said that he's got so many girlfriends because they require a support group in order to be with him (paraphrased). Considering that between the time when I heard JRogan say that until now, Hef has gotten older and Hef's gf brigade has tripled in size! I would say that JRogan was pretty accurate in his musings.
So, I checked out his b-day greeting website. You can find it here, filed under depraved lameness. If you are so inclined, I would ask you permit me a few words before you go zooming off to The Grotto.
Please please please check out the birthday greetings. They come in three flavours: celeb, centerfold, and girlfriend.
The celeb Hef-80-barfday-greeting was enlightening. It was eyeopening. It was wonderful. Because if I ever thought that these people were better than me somehow....I've proved myself wrong and I can continue holding my head high.
My friend once said, 'money does not buy class'. Now, she was talking about Calgary during times of the Stampede or the Red Mile, but I found it to be extremely profound and carry it as I do so many proverbs. Let me tell you, it applies here. You only need to see Paris Hilton and her birthday song/wish to understand what I'm talking about.
The centerfold Hef-b-day-wish vid was also something to behold. To sum it up:
Hef, you are amazinggg
Hef, I love you
Hef, you've done more for me than anyone
Hef, you gave me a personal masturbation tool
Oh? He did more for you than anyone? So...he sent you to school, did he? Encouraged you in artistic endevours? Helped you find your true self?
Or did he plaster your tits all over his shitty magazine and use you for eye/handcandy at his grotto parties?
And what is an 80 year old man giving a 20-something girl a 'personal masturbation tool' for? Name anywhere else that would be cool. Anywhere.
Okay..and so what if he does show pics of these girls boobies? What's the big deal? It's not like these women are ruined afterwards, that's true. It's not like they aren't doing it completely willingly and getting quite nicely compensated for any pains taken.
I just hate that he gets glory for this. Everyone in the g-damn world thinks this guy is the cat's pyjamas because he knows how to exploit the beauty of the women who let him. Yeah, so does Larry Flynt...but Larry Flynt doesn't try to come off as some sorta high class guy.
And Hef is not some sorta high class guy because money does not buy class.
I'm not even going to talk about the girlfriend's vid...good lord, it kinda speaks for itself.
Oliver Stone says in his b-day wish that Hef is a man that lives his dream and he (Stone) is in awe. Yeah, me too, Ollie...me too.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I've even written Ralph Bakshi himself trying to find these...
(awhile ago...before youtube.com)
(awhile ago...before youtube.com)
Monday, April 17, 2006
I just finished 17 pages worth of creole linguistics...and boy are my arms tired.
I hand this in tomorrow, then one more assignment due before my semester ends and I am finished this year. What a year.
I've given myself until today to eat sweets...tomorrow it's back on my no sugar kick.
This post is lame, I know..but I wanted to write the thing about the no sugar so that I make sure I do it.
Coming soon, though...my opinion on Hef's 80s b-day.
Here's a preview: Happy Birthday, you loser jackass.
Night all!
I hand this in tomorrow, then one more assignment due before my semester ends and I am finished this year. What a year.
I've given myself until today to eat sweets...tomorrow it's back on my no sugar kick.
This post is lame, I know..but I wanted to write the thing about the no sugar so that I make sure I do it.
Coming soon, though...my opinion on Hef's 80s b-day.
Here's a preview: Happy Birthday, you loser jackass.
Night all!
these are always fun
Greed: | Medium | |
Gluttony: | Medium | |
Wrath: | Medium | |
Sloth: | Low | |
Envy: | Very Low | |
Lust: | Very Low | |
Pride: | High |
Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
Friday, April 14, 2006
These are the most awesome things I've ever seen in my entire life and they make me want to sing.
Teen girl squad mittens. The girl who made them is very likely the next messiah.
If'n you don't know for what I speak, I suggest you hightail it over to homestarrunner.com and watch funny in action.
Might I suggest a wee taste of episode 8?
Teen girl squad mittens. The girl who made them is very likely the next messiah.
If'n you don't know for what I speak, I suggest you hightail it over to homestarrunner.com and watch funny in action.
Might I suggest a wee taste of episode 8?
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The funniest thing...
I went to the doctor today...
About a month ago, I noticed....
...well, you know when you've got a dry throat and you swallow a pill or bit of food or something? You know that stuck feeling? That's what I had.
...so I noticed that it felt as though something was caught in my throat. I was in the midst of tests, papers, and assignments, so I wasn't able to deal with it. I said to myself that it was probably stress, so if it didn't clear up after I was finished all these things, I'd see someone about it.
Aside from that, the bulk of my time was spend on assignments in my Speech Pathology class and I know my own psychology enough to know that it was entirely possible that some sort of psychosomatic thing was going on. I'd studied so much on throat defects.
The 6th came...that was the day I was clear of all that school stuff. I worked at "day-work" all day, and then went to the theatre that night...finished working at midnight. I came home and I started to fret. I was certain I had some sort of throat cancer. I tossed and turned that night until 2:30'ish quitely crying so that I wouldn't wake up bf. I decided I needed to see the doctor.
I went today (long story as to why not friday). I want to say here that if you live in the Mission area of Calgary and you want to go to the walk-in clinic on 4th and 23rd...don't. The doctor is pompus, arrogant and won't listen to you. After 5 minutes of talking to me, he asked me if I was hoarse! He'd been listening to me...shouldn't he know if I was hoarse?
Blah blah blah...the upshot of this is:
I called my mum (as one does) and explained how the dr. swabbed my throat and sent me out, but I was not satisfied because I was certain my problem was not an infection. My cousin happened to be over visting Mum. She (my cousin) called me back and told me how, apparently, a few of my family members get this with intense stress. She (they had discovered she had a brain tumor soon after she had her baby) was so freaked out that she choked on tea because her throat felt just like mine did.
The doctor told her it was stress and if she stopped thinking about it, it would go away. She said, once she heard that, it was gone in two days.
I talked to her at 5'ish. It's 2am now and my throat feels almost back to normal.
Weird, hey?
About a month ago, I noticed....
...well, you know when you've got a dry throat and you swallow a pill or bit of food or something? You know that stuck feeling? That's what I had.
...so I noticed that it felt as though something was caught in my throat. I was in the midst of tests, papers, and assignments, so I wasn't able to deal with it. I said to myself that it was probably stress, so if it didn't clear up after I was finished all these things, I'd see someone about it.
Aside from that, the bulk of my time was spend on assignments in my Speech Pathology class and I know my own psychology enough to know that it was entirely possible that some sort of psychosomatic thing was going on. I'd studied so much on throat defects.
The 6th came...that was the day I was clear of all that school stuff. I worked at "day-work" all day, and then went to the theatre that night...finished working at midnight. I came home and I started to fret. I was certain I had some sort of throat cancer. I tossed and turned that night until 2:30'ish quitely crying so that I wouldn't wake up bf. I decided I needed to see the doctor.
I went today (long story as to why not friday). I want to say here that if you live in the Mission area of Calgary and you want to go to the walk-in clinic on 4th and 23rd...don't. The doctor is pompus, arrogant and won't listen to you. After 5 minutes of talking to me, he asked me if I was hoarse! He'd been listening to me...shouldn't he know if I was hoarse?
Blah blah blah...the upshot of this is:
I called my mum (as one does) and explained how the dr. swabbed my throat and sent me out, but I was not satisfied because I was certain my problem was not an infection. My cousin happened to be over visting Mum. She (my cousin) called me back and told me how, apparently, a few of my family members get this with intense stress. She (they had discovered she had a brain tumor soon after she had her baby) was so freaked out that she choked on tea because her throat felt just like mine did.
The doctor told her it was stress and if she stopped thinking about it, it would go away. She said, once she heard that, it was gone in two days.
I talked to her at 5'ish. It's 2am now and my throat feels almost back to normal.
Weird, hey?
I am very familiar with Chomsky's theories...
...on language, that is.
I am not quite as familiar with Chomsky's social views.
This gets me in trouble.
For the last few weeks, I've been involved in a debate over Chomsky and his alleged 'hypocrisy' involving my friend Bumf, and his partial posting of this guy's article that ended up in the Western Standard. Well, these guys might not know I've been involved in this debate, but I assure you, students in the linguistics department at the UofC do.
W.G.'s argument was that Chomsky is a hypocrite because he believes language is an innate feature of the human mind...and he's left wing.
I'm not going to get into all that right now. You can read it in my post before this, if you want. I did eventually comment to W.G. and I hope he responds.
But this whole thing has been haunting me.
Now...this being the case, I did a little research. I intend to do more because I think starting my M.A. in linguistics in the fall would warrent I do a little research into philosophy beyond language acquisition...but as I do research into Chomsky's politics, I'm finding something interesting.
Now...as a woman studying linguistics, believe me...I know Chomsky can be a difficult read. Hell, I've attended a speaking engagement here in Calgary a few years ago and didn't understand a word (the acoustics were terrible). But I've seen Manufacturing Consent. My boyfriend reads Chomsky regularly. I'm not entirely blind to his politics. And I've done some additional research.
So..what I found was interesting. Frankly, I don't think anyone who argues against Chomsky has read/listend to him, either. They've certainly read/listened to each other...but not necessarily him.
They describe him as a socialist. And hate him for it. Well...my own politics aside..from what I understand, he's not. He's an anarchist (with a socialist bend). Look:
CHOMSKY: The introduction to Guerin's book that you mentioned opens with a quote from an anarchist sympathiser a century ago, who says that anarchism has a broad back, and endures anything. One major element has been what has traditionally been called 'libertarian socialism'. I've tried to explain there and elsewhere what I mean by that, stressing that it's hardly original; I'm taking the ideas from leading figures in the anarchist movement whom I quote, and who rather consistently describe themselves as socialists, while harshly condemning the 'new class' of radical intellectuals who seek to attain state power in the course of popular struggle and to become the vicious Red bureaucracy of which Bakunin warned; what's often called 'socialism'. I rather agree with Rudolf Rocker's perception that these (quite central) tendencies in anarchism draw from the best of Enlightenment and classical liberal thought, well beyond what he described. In fact, as I've tried to show they contrast sharply with Marxist-Leninist doctrine and practice, the 'libertarian' doctrines that are fashionable in the US and UK particularly, and other contemporary ideologies, all of which seem to me to reduce to advocacy of one or another form of illegitimate authority, quite often real tyranny."
So, when I read "...because he argues that our sociability is also natural, and therefore in a better world without capitalists, etc, we would all be loving socialists like him." I wonder where that came from.
From what I understand, and I do intend to get more familiar with it this summer when I have time, what he's against is extreme forms of politics...because they end up needing some sort of oppression in order to keep themselves going. That's his problem with capitalism, that an unusual amount of power has been given to "the corporation".
And actually...that's what I thought he was all about the whole time.
...on language, that is.
I am not quite as familiar with Chomsky's social views.
This gets me in trouble.
For the last few weeks, I've been involved in a debate over Chomsky and his alleged 'hypocrisy' involving my friend Bumf, and his partial posting of this guy's article that ended up in the Western Standard. Well, these guys might not know I've been involved in this debate, but I assure you, students in the linguistics department at the UofC do.
W.G.'s argument was that Chomsky is a hypocrite because he believes language is an innate feature of the human mind...and he's left wing.
I'm not going to get into all that right now. You can read it in my post before this, if you want. I did eventually comment to W.G. and I hope he responds.
But this whole thing has been haunting me.
Now...this being the case, I did a little research. I intend to do more because I think starting my M.A. in linguistics in the fall would warrent I do a little research into philosophy beyond language acquisition...but as I do research into Chomsky's politics, I'm finding something interesting.
Now...as a woman studying linguistics, believe me...I know Chomsky can be a difficult read. Hell, I've attended a speaking engagement here in Calgary a few years ago and didn't understand a word (the acoustics were terrible). But I've seen Manufacturing Consent. My boyfriend reads Chomsky regularly. I'm not entirely blind to his politics. And I've done some additional research.
So..what I found was interesting. Frankly, I don't think anyone who argues against Chomsky has read/listend to him, either. They've certainly read/listened to each other...but not necessarily him.
They describe him as a socialist. And hate him for it. Well...my own politics aside..from what I understand, he's not. He's an anarchist (with a socialist bend). Look:
CHOMSKY: The introduction to Guerin's book that you mentioned opens with a quote from an anarchist sympathiser a century ago, who says that anarchism has a broad back, and endures anything. One major element has been what has traditionally been called 'libertarian socialism'. I've tried to explain there and elsewhere what I mean by that, stressing that it's hardly original; I'm taking the ideas from leading figures in the anarchist movement whom I quote, and who rather consistently describe themselves as socialists, while harshly condemning the 'new class' of radical intellectuals who seek to attain state power in the course of popular struggle and to become the vicious Red bureaucracy of which Bakunin warned; what's often called 'socialism'. I rather agree with Rudolf Rocker's perception that these (quite central) tendencies in anarchism draw from the best of Enlightenment and classical liberal thought, well beyond what he described. In fact, as I've tried to show they contrast sharply with Marxist-Leninist doctrine and practice, the 'libertarian' doctrines that are fashionable in the US and UK particularly, and other contemporary ideologies, all of which seem to me to reduce to advocacy of one or another form of illegitimate authority, quite often real tyranny."
So, when I read "...because he argues that our sociability is also natural, and therefore in a better world without capitalists, etc, we would all be loving socialists like him." I wonder where that came from.
From what I understand, and I do intend to get more familiar with it this summer when I have time, what he's against is extreme forms of politics...because they end up needing some sort of oppression in order to keep themselves going. That's his problem with capitalism, that an unusual amount of power has been given to "the corporation".
And actually...that's what I thought he was all about the whole time.
Friday, April 07, 2006
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