Monday, June 05, 2006


I just wrote a huge long post on linguistics, universals and why I don't think all Muslims are evil....but I've got to do some editing.

I encourage people to read this The Western Standard Shotgun Blog. In all honesty, it is blood chilling to say the least when some of these people write about Islam and the current fiasco that is our world situation. I honestly encourage you to take a look. I post occassionally, but they are so far away from my mode of thought it is hard to know how to reply, or what point to reply to.

But, it's always good to learn different viewpoints. If you can't concede to a certain sentiment, at least you know why.


Anonymous said...

Heh.. "blood chilling" is a good way to put it. I'm amazed at the hyocracy. Amazed that apparently, it's perceived "quantity" of evil that matters, not evil itself.

John M Reynolds said...

Your link is to the blog index and not the topic to which you posted your huge reply. Where is your post? What is the link to the topic?

Himbly said...


just stuff in general, no particular post I'm refering to on the WS.

My post will be on this blog and will be posted when I'm good and ready. I just got in from a very long day and am in no mood to edit at midnight.

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